Covid-19 Fun Mask Fundraiser

We stumbled upon a fun fundraiser that allows you to purchase a custom mask for a reasonable price and a portion of the proceeds goes directly to our funds for reunions, webpage maintenance and staying connected.  This is an additonal fun way that you can get involved and support the class.  We don't pay anything upfront, yes the company who makes them will make their cut, and we will make some too and you will have a keepsake from our 35th Reunion extended during Covid-19.  It's just that the mask is so timely right now.

We will likely do a picture with anyone who has one of these masks at our reunion gatherings in 2021 as part of our Covid-19 extended 35th Reunion.  Please get one if you plan to attend in 2021 so that you are prepared.

Here is the link to the fundraiser if you wish to check it out.  No problem if you don't.

Thank you all for your understanding of this opportunity, and stay well so we can gather next year in August 2021!
